The National Disability Insurance Scheme - NDIS

Our NDIS Services are here to support you to achieve your goals


What is the NDIS

The NDIS provides funding to people with a permanent and significant disability to access the supports and services they need to live and enjoy their life.

We understand that the NDIS can feel complicated especially when you first access services. We have been working within the NDIS and are experienced to support you to get the most out of your plan and life. Our therapy services are available using the NDIS and other funding sources.

NDIS Service Fee: As per current NDIS Price Guide


What Can You Access:

Our NDIS Services Include:


Join our Surf Therapy Program

Our Vision: Our Surf Therapy Programs provide a bridge between fun and therapy. Our programs enable children and adolescents to develop their sporting and play skills, as well as better engage with peers at school, connect with family and develop lifelong positive health habits in a natural environment.

Surf Therapy supports the development of balance, motor planning, strength, coordination, self-esteem and sense of identity.

Sessions are led by our Physiotherapists with one on one support to improve participation, build surf skills, and confidence!

Sports and exercise Programs


All Abilities

All Abilities, Adaptive and Parasport We provide support for individuals to achieve their sporting and activity goals, from providing all abilities and enjoyable recreational sporting opportunities to elite Parasport we understand that everyone deserves access to programs and therapies that are meaningful. Engagement in sport and activity is important for life long participation and health, disability is not and should not be a barrier to accessing and enjoying everything that sport offers. We support all goals and experience levels and provide one on one programs with the key understanding of disability, sport and movement that Physiotherapy provides and can safely progress programs that are rewarding and personalised.


Teenagers and Young Adults

Teenagers and Young Adults Finishing school and transitioning to adulthood comes with many challenges, we support individuals making this transition to lead healthier lives, make meaningful connections and have positive social opportunities. We provide one on one and small group programs for teenagers and young adults in a private clinic space. We ensure that this space is comfortable and suitable for all abilities, backgrounds and goals. All our programs are supervised and led by Physiotherapist’s who have an understanding of disabilities and ensure that exercise is appropriate for the individual's level as well as fun and engaging.

Our gym and clinic is fully accessible for any level of disability with access to equipment that is suitable for all abilities. Our programs are suited to individuals’ goals and needs, this can include:

• Flexibility and Mobility

• Cardiovascular Fitness and Conditioning

• Strength and Conditioning

• Improved exercise tolerance and reduced fatigue with activity

• Balance, coordination and agility

• Weight loss and weight management

• Transfer and movement ability

• Movement planning, spatial and body awareness