Paediatric Physiotherapy: NDIS, Private, Medicare

Our Paediatric Physiotherapy (NDIS, Private, Medicare) provides therapeutic intervention for children of all ages. At Adaptive Physiotherapy and Performance we work with your child and consider the family holistically when providing therapy, our assessments, treatments, and prescription of equipment and aids is evidence-based. We are able to deliver flexible Paediatric Physiotherapy services and provide a range of different Paediatric services specific to your child’s needs and goals.
Our Physiotherapist's have training and experience working with Paediatric clients to develop a personalised, structured treatment plan, with collaborative goals specific to your child’s condition and needs.

Physiotherapy provides evidence based therapeutic intervention to allow your child to get the most out of their life, maximise their development, enhance their independence and participation, improve confidence, self awareness and understanding of movement.  We are trained in the assessment and treatment of a wide variety of conditions including neurological conditions, orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions, developmental delay and milestone achievement, cardiorespiratory conditions, injuries and issues with pain. Explore below to find out more.


NDIS: Report Writing and Assistive Technology

Unsure of what equipment can benefit your child? Needing assistance for equipment prescription and Assistive Technology (AT) Equipment? What is Low-Cost Low-Risk AT and how can Physio guide you with understanding this?

Assistive technology is an aid or equipment that can assist your child to with daily function and participation, Physiotherapy provides assessment for equipment, sizing and use, some common examples include manual, powered and sporting wheelchairs, splinting, AFO’s, walking aids, school set-up and transitions, modified bikes, trikes and home seating.

Physiotherapy utilises knowledge, training and skills to support your child, family, support workers, carers and school to select, set-up and access the most appropriate assistive technology to support mobility, education and daily living. As well as organising equipment trials and providing family, support and school training.


Neurological and Neuromuscular Conditions

These are conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.

We provide personalised assessment for common and rare conditions to ensure treatment is tailored to your needs and goals. Some more commonly known conditions include Cerebral Palsy (CP), neuromuscular conditions such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and acquired brain injury (ABI)

Many different treatment types exist for neurological conditions including developmental programs, strengthening, stretching, neurodevelopmental therapy, motor learning, fitness and mobility programs


Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Conditions

Physiotherapists are trained in the assessment and treatment of muscle, nerve and joint conditions, understanding the impact of growth and development to tailor your child's treatment to their specific needs with age-appropriate interventions.

We treat both common and rare muskuloskeletal and orthopaedic conditions. Some common conditions we can assist include:

Spinal Conditions (scoliosis, posture related pain, acute injuries, growth related spinal pain), Plagiocephaly (Head Shaping), Flat feet, In-toeing or out-toeing and toe walking, Joint Hypermobility and dislocations, Sever’s Disease, Osgood Schlatter’s Disease, gait and movement disorders.

If you have any concerns about your childs movement we are here to help


Cardio Respiratory Conditions

Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy involves the assessment, prevention, treatment and management of disease, surgery and any rare or common conditions that affect the heart or lungs. 

Issues such as shortness of breath, inability to clear secretions, septal and other heart defects all affect a child's ability to play, exercise and participate. Physiotherapy provides assessment and intervention to ensure that exercises and therapy is progressed in a way that is appropriate to your child’s specific condition. 

Some common conditions that Physiotherapy can treat include:

Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Respiratory Infections, pre and post heart or lung surgery, Septal Defects, Pulmonary Stenosis and Cystic Fibrosis


Sport, Activity and Participation

Did you know Physiotherapy plays a key role in your child’s ability to play sport, participate in school and play with others?

Paediatric Physiotherapy provides assessment to understand your child's motor and sensory systems, muscle control, movement, posture and function, tailoring intervention and treatment to your child's needs and goals.

Disability should not be a barrier to participation, we will assist you every step of the way to maximise your child's participation, adapt the environment and equipment, develop your child’s skills and confidence and scale activity to your child's needs. 

By developing strength, balance and mobility children can play and move better at home, school and in the community, allowing children and adolescents to reach their potential and participate in activities that are meaningful for life long involvement.

We offer one on one and small group programs including soccer, cricket, basketball, netball, athletics and para and adaptive sport. We also offer assistance with mainstream sports, support for your child with these sessions and provide education for coaches and schools.



Infant Development and Milestone Achievement

If you are concerned about your child's development or milestone achievement at any age or stage Paediatric Physiotherapy can assist you.

Physiotherapists are able to assess milestones and assist a child in reaching their developmental goals. Including: head and limb control, bi-manual tasks, rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, and skills including balance, postural stability, coordination, gross motor, fine motor and mobility.

Our delivery of Physiotherapy has an emphasis on a play based approach, this involves using sensory rich environments, advice, education and therapy that you can incorporate into your daily life.


Our individual (one on one) hydrotherapy programs are developed to enhance your child’s movement, swimming skills, swim safety, movement and sensory integration.

Our physiotherapist have training in using a variety of treatments including hands on facilitation and manual handling skills, play based therapy, motor planning, skill development and exercise therapy.

We focus on developing your child’s abilities and confidence. Hydrotherapy provides hydrostatic pressure, this can be a great physiotherapy option for children with Autism and sensory disorders. Water can improve your child’s ability to move freely with reduced limitations of gravity.

Our therapy focuses on:

  • Movement delay

  • Functional movement skills

  • Sensory integration, communication and social skills

  • Gross motor skills, muscular strength, power and endurance

  • Learn to swim and swim safety

  • Cardiovascular fitness

  • Balance, coordination, reactions and movement planning

  • Mobility and flexibility

  • Gait and mobility intervention

  • Fundamentals of swimming and progressive swimming skills

If your child experiences challenges with any of these issues hydrotherapy may be suitable. With an emphasis on guided, controlled therapy, we provide an environment for exercise that is safe and engaging.


Intensive Programs

At Adaptive Physiotherapy and Performance we offer Intensive Programs for infants, children and teens, we create a personalised program for each child’s needs with an emphasis on high-repetition task specific practice to build and strengthen neural and motor pathway’s to achieve skill and movement development.

We work with you and your child to develop functional goals to work towards and create a fun engaging program to complete.

Caring for a child with a disability can be challenging, at Adaptive Physiotherapy and Performance our Physiotherapist’s are able to support you and your child, to work together towards setting up your child with a therapy plan that can be incorporated into your routine.

Children learn through familiar interactions and places including the home, preschool and school. We recognise that these familiar places are environments where your children will have increased opportunity to develop these skills and our intensive programs provide the perfect opportunity to achieve this.


Autism and Sensory Processing

Children with ASD often have difficulties with fine and gross-motor activities. This can lead to reduced participation in sport, exercise, and within the community.

Our Physiotherapist’s have a passion in assisting children with ASD to be active so that they can keep up with friends and enjoys the things their peers do too.

Teaching correct movement patterns, coordination, and motor planning can improve your child’s participation in sports with their friends and peers.

Building confidence in movement patterns and sport is important at a young age as children with ASD may miss out on skill development and social interaction, this may continue later into adulthood leading to inactivity and reduced social participation.

Sensory integration therapy is effective in the treatment of autistic children as it helps those children to become more independent and participate in everyday activities (study)

Sensory integration is designed to restore normal effective neurological processing by enhancing the vestibular and proprioceptive systems.

Our programs are personalised to your child’s unique needs to support them to achieve their goals and achieve their potential.

Does your child has communication difficulties? Our therapists are trained in Auslan (sign-language used in Australia). APP Physiotherapist have experience working with non-verbal children and adults, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and sensory processing disorders (SPD’s)